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My Super Mother(我的超级妈妈)

11-26 14:12:33  www.shouji670.com  阅览次数: 518 英语作文

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作文:My Super Mother(我的超级妈妈)

 I have a super mother. She can cook pizza, cake, pie, etc. She prepares three meals for me every day. And she does all the housework. She is great and she is the superwoman in my family. I hope my mom knows that I will always love her!

作文:My Super Mother(我的超级妈妈)

 I have a super mother. She can cook pizza, cake, pie, etc. She prepares three meals for me every day. And she does all the housework. She is great and she is the superwoman in my family. I hope my mom knows that I will always love her!

作文:My Super Mother(我的超级妈妈)

 I have a super mother. She can cook pizza, cake, pie, etc. She prepares three meals for me every day. And she does all the housework. She is great and she is the superwoman in my family. I hope my mom knows that I will always love her!

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