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鼓励朋友的信件ease your worries

11-26 14:12:17  www.shouji670.com  阅览次数: 967 英语作文

鼓励朋友的信件ease your worries,本站还有更多关于英语作文,小学英语作文,英语作文范文,高一英语作文,初三英语作文的资料。http://www.shouji670.com

高中生王大明Wang Ta-ming,收到朋友林明义Lin Ming-yi的来信,信中提到他生活及学习中的不如意使他意志消沉和忧虑。现在请你以王大明的身分,拟一封适当的回信给林明义,鼓励他并提出一些消除压力与忧虑的方法。

Dear Ming-yi,
I am glad to hear from you. It's a pity that you feel depressed for failing to pass your physics exam. I understand how you feel, but I cannot but remind you that failing one physics exam does not mean that you are good-for-nothing. It only means that you probably need to spend a little more time studying than you normally would on this particular subject. Instead of grieving about the bad grade, you should find out the mistakes you made on the test and do your level best to avoid making the same mistakes next time.
As we are weighed down with heavy work load and pressure from studies, it is only inevitable that we sometimes feel depressed and worried. But we have to find out ways to soothe our worries or anxieties. I think the following methods may help you while you are in low spirits. You can get outside, taking a long walk and clearing your head. Sharing your worries with friends is also an effective method. Of course, you may also listen to music, go to the movies, or take exercise to ease your worries. Hope these tips will do you good.
Promise me to cheer up, will you?
                                                            Your friend, Ta-ming

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