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 Zhouzhuang Town, once called Zhenfengli, is located in Kunshan City, 30 km to the southeast of Suzhou in Jiangsu Pr.....英语导游词 |12-28 |
 "茶马古道"是中国西南大地上一条进行对外经济文化交流,传播中国古代文明的国际通道,是西南的"丝绸之路". For thousands of.....英语导游词 |12-28 |
 Orlando is one of the world's premier travel destinations. More than 35-million people visit our area every year, enj.....英语导游词 |12-28 |
 Experience a taste of the continent on the south coast of England. Nestled in a sheltered bay, Bournemouth seven mile.....英语导游词 |12-28 |
Midnight Sun and Northern Light 在对格陵兰文化有了一些了解后,我们可以开怀畅游了。今天,让我们来欣赏一下“半夜的太阳”.....英语导游词 |12-28 |
 开普敦(Cape Town)是南非立法首都,重要港口,好望角省首府。始建于1652年,原为东印度公司供应站驻地,是西欧殖民者最早在南.....英语导游词 |12-28 |
 The most understated of Australia's state capitals, Adelaide is a charming, medium-sized city with a contemporary ed.....英语导游词 |12-28 |
 著名的Vatican City梵蒂冈城是罗马教廷所在地,是由教皇统治的国家,位于意大利罗马城内,面积只有109英亩(约180平方公里),.....英语导游词 |12-28 |
 The Elysee Palace in France enjoys equal popularity in the world with the Buckingham Palace in the United Kingdom, the.....英语导游词 |12-28 |
 This Kona Coast dive site is possibly the most beautiful, diverse, easily accessible, interesting dive location we hav.....英语导游词 |12-28 |
Taishan Mountain in Shandong Province Taishan Mountain in Shandong was included as "World Cultural and Natural Heritag.....英语导游词 |12-28 |
 Stockholm is, without doubt, one of the most beautiful national capitals in the world. The Old Town in summer is parti.....英语导游词 |12-28 |
 The orange towers of the Golden Gate Bridge-probably the most beautiful, certainly the most photographed bridge in the.....英语导游词 |12-28 |
 The Loire, the longest river in France, rises south of the Central Massif and flows into the Atlantic Ocean 1020 km la.....英语导游词 |12-28 |
 Walt and Roy Disney began their partnership on October 16, 1923 when they signed a contract to produce the Alice Comed.....英语导游词 |12-28 |
 世界七大奇观是由马其顿王国(Macedonia,公元前4世纪中叶至前2世纪中叶)的亚历山大大帝(Alexander the Greater,公元前356-.....英语导游词 |12-28 |
 The approach to the Garden sloped like a hillside and the several parts of the structure rose from one another tier on.....英语导游词 |12-28 |
Canberra (Australia) Canberra is a picturesque(风景如画的)20th-century concoction on the banks of Lake Burley Grif.....英语导游词 |12-28 |
Sao Paulo (Brazil) Sao Paulo overwhelms the senses with its sheer size. With seventeen million inhabitants, it is t.....英语导游词 |12-28 |
Good morning! Ladies and gentlemen: Today we will go and visit the Yueyang Tower. Yueyang Tower lies in the west of Yu.....英语导游词 |12-28 |
Brisbane (Australia) Brisbane is Australia's third largest city and the state capital of Queensland(昆士兰州)。 N.....英语导游词 |12-28 |
她坐落在巴黎市中心、塞纳河的西岱岛上,她玫瑰色窗户上的斑驳玻璃、工艺讲究的尖顶造型集中了哥特式建筑的全部精华…… In th.....英语导游词 |12-28 |
Santorini(Greece) Santorini(桑托林岛)is one of the most ruggedly beautiful and dramatic places on earth. Santorini.....英语导游词 |12-28 |
 Balmoral Castle on the Balmoral Estate in Aberdeenshire, Scotland is the private residence of The Queen. Beloved by Qu.....英语导游词 |12-28 |
Lima (Peru)The Iglesia de San Francisco features the city's first cemetery as well as many rare documents. Straddl.....英语导游词 |12-28 |
Singapore (Singapore) According to Malay legend(马来传说), a Sumatran (苏门答腊人)prince encountered a lion - c.....英语导游词 |12-28 |
雕像的头部与手臂在历史岁月中遗失了,但飘逸的裙裾、展翅欲飞的形态仍然动感十足,栩栩如生。这是卢浮宫最著名最珍贵的两座古代.....英语导游词 |12-28 |
Kos (Greece)Hippocrates Statue The third largest island in the Dodecanese(希腊的多德卡尼斯群岛), after Rhodes a.....英语导游词 |12-28 |
Cape Town (South Africa) Set on the waterfront(滨水地区), surrounded by spectacular (壮观的;壮丽的)mountains,.....英语导游词 |12-28 |
Nairobi (Kenya) Kenya's capital is cosmopolitan, lively, interesting and pleasantly landscaped. Its central busin.....英语导游词 |12-28 |
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